Xenoautopsy - Irreversible Anthropocide - Limited Digipack CD

  • $15.00

  • Product Code: CD
  • Availability: In Stock
EMAIL US FOR ORDER: inheritedsufferingrecords@mail.ruLimited to 50 handnumbered copies.Track list:1. Gestation Of An Anthropomorphical Evolution2. Unethical Experimental Methods3. Abandoned By Failure...

EMAIL US FOR ORDER: inheritedsufferingrecords@mail.ru

Limited to 50 handnumbered copies.

Track list:

1. Gestation Of An Anthropomorphical Evolution

2. Unethical Experimental Methods

3. Abandoned By Failure

4. Biometric Data Collection

5. Ergospheric Forgotten Entity

6. Irreversible Anthropocide

7. Artificial Biogeneration

8. Interdimensional Supremacy



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